Monday, July 1, 2013

Help Support Our Run Across America!

Dear Friends and Family,
Please support my run across America by helping my teammates meet their fundraising goals! As many of you know, I have been asking for donations to reach $4500 in order to participate in the run. All of the money raised goes to the cancer patients we help out. During the trip, we ask for food donations and housing donations in order for us to spend as little as possible. So the money that you donate will go towards helping the cause!
Here's a list of teammates that still need your support! Please help if you can!

Even just a $5 donation helps so much!

If we don't reach the $4500 mark then each individual runner has to pay the difference that they didn't raise. Your donation would be very much appreciated by everyone on our team!

Our Team and the San Fran Running Team This Morning

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